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jet lag (乘噴氣式飛機高速飛行引起的)生理節奏失調;(連續幾次航...

jet pump

Making difficult decisions is not easy if you are sleepy , jet lagged and not at your peak 如果人在昏昏欲睡,倒時差,并且生物鐘不在頂峰時,就往往難以做出決定。

Making difficult decisions is not easy if you are sleepy , jet lagged and not at your peak 如果你想睡覺,或是因時差問題而不在你的良好狀態,則不易做出重大決定。

Making difficult decisions is not easy if you are sleepy , jet lagged and not at your peak 如果你感到困乏、有時差、不在良好狀態下,很難對困難的事情做出決定。

The problem of jet lag is one every international traveler comes across at some time 噴氣飛機時差綜合癥是每個乘坐國際航班旅行的人在某個時候會碰到的問題。

Symptoms much like jet lag are common in people who work nights or who perform shift work 與飛行時差非常相像的癥狀在夜班工作或輪班的人得表現是很常見的。

Making difficult decisions is not easy if you are sleepy , jet lagged and not at your peak 你在睡覺時,有時差反應時和生物鐘不能達到頂峰時是很難做決定的。

Making difficult decisions is not easy if you are sleepy , jet lagged and not at your peak 如果你困乏,倒時差以及精神不振,那么就很難做出重要的決定。

The problem of jet lag is one every international traveler comes across at some time 時差反應是每個做國際旅行的人在某個時候都會碰到的問題。

Jet lag is not a psychological consequence of having to readjust to a different time zone 時差綜合癥不是對不同時區進行調整的心理后果。

Jet lag ! yes 時差!是的

Excess alcohol and lack of sleep can leave you more vulnerable to the effects of jet lag 此外,睡眠不足也會令您更易產生時差問題。

Adequate exposure to sunlight helps to reduce symptoms of jet lag 在抵步后多接受戶外陽光照射可減少時差所引起的不適,但切勿暴曬。

As this helps to avoid additional problems with jet lag . eat lightly before your flight ,這將有助您避免因時差而可能產生的問題。

After the long journey from china to america , the jet lag made him uneasy 經過長途旅行由中國飛往美國之后,時差感令他很不舒服。

Making difficult decisions is not easy if you are sleepy , jet lagged and not at your peak 在你昏昏欲睡的狀況下做決定并不容易。

Do animals , like humans , get jet lag if they cross the atlantic in a plane 雀鳥冬天南飛過冬時,又會否像人一樣,有時差反應?

Um , i ' ve had jet lag 呃,我有過時差反應

Travellers and jet lag 旅行家和噴氣機滯后

After a long trip to germany , mr . wang experienced jet lag 到德國的長途飛行使王先生由于時差原因而趕到十分疲倦。